Toxic drums has irrefutable evidence and indeed undeniable proof that this is a sham. Toxic Drums has used its advanced cyber enhancement applications to reveal the true content of the video. By enlarging and re-rendering the reflections in various objects around the room exclusive images of what they were really watching have been uncovered.
It transpires they were actually watching a pirated version of V For Vendetta
Below is one frame taken from an enlarged and enhanced reflection from President Obama's left eye. It clearly shows a reflection of V in his tell-tale Guy Fawkes mask made even more famous by the internet meme Anonymous. Anonymous are perhaps best known for their involvement in the cyber attacks, known as Operation Payback, on the terrorist groups Amazon, MasterCard, PayPal and Visa when they tried to silence the WikiLeaks voice of freedom back in December 2010.
You can clearly see the truth for yourself and we have no reason here to make up fictitious stories to fool the public. There is no underlying agenda like making money from Google Ads. We are not in the business of treating the public as saps, goofs or gullible idiots. We respect our visitors and would not lie to them on moral grounds as well as the fact that we have no hidden agenda. It is really really true. President Obama and Hilary Clinton were watching V For Vendetta
I am quite possibly the only person on Planet Earth that really likes that movie....or so I thought!!!!