Friday 7 June 2013

Is Cameron behind the Child Porn?

Was this David Cameron arriving at the Grove Hotel in Watford for the secret Bilderberg meeting behind a headline of CHILD PORN TEACHER IS ALLOWED BACK IN THE (BILDERBERG MEETING/GUEST BEDROOMS/CLASSROOM)?  What did it say on that paper?  Why was he reading it so intently?  What are they doing in there?

It would be a farce except it is so serious.  There was an article on the Guardian web site entitled David Cameron to attend Bilderberg group meeting and I decided to leave a comment.  I was interested later to note it had been 'recommended several times.  So for your perusal and enjoyment I have included it here.

Unfortunately this is far more serious than a joke.  People are going to die in revolutions around the world as a result of these clandestine machinations by our "elected(?)", "democratic(?)" "representatives(?)".  It is too disgusting to make light of.  They are lying in our face and virtually no one cares.  The most profound proverbial is currently hitting the fan.  And, to top it off, if they don't like this comment they will simply erase it!  What a lovely brave new world we are living in.  Just go to basefuk and twitter and amuse yourself to death - that appears to be the idea.  How can the statement "Downing Street said it was acting in an open manner by publicising the prime minister's attendance in advance." be allowed?  It is, in your face, lies. They haven't in the past, they weren't going to now, but having been caught they pretend they are 'admitting' it but they still won't either publicize what "our representative" not "our ruler" is saying.  This is a more clandestine, more insidious, and far more dangerous ruling elite than Hitler's Third Reich.  Don't believe me?  You won't have to wait long to find out if "WE" don't "DO" something about it.  But, hey, it might just be too late so maybe we prefer the anaesthesia of inyourbootface social mastication.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,
    Yes I think that porn has been one of the more despicable trends on the Internet over the past years and my opinion is that this is not bad because there are so many people who are happy to see these photos and videos, but child porn is so, so bad and I think that it's criminal
