Wednesday 2 July 2014

Did Mossad kill the three teenagers?

Dani Dayan, the chief foreign envoy of the Yesha Council (a Hebrew acronym for the umbrella organization of municipal councils of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and formerly in the Gaza Strip) was interviewed on Radio 4 today (Wed 2 July 2014: - at 2 hrs : 47 mins : 19secs in ).  Asked about the general mood of his community he said:

"First of all there is a feeling of consternation.  We are still shocked.  We are still appalled at the death of three teenagers that were just in their way home from school.  It's a barbaric act that first and foremost makes us very very sad.  There is also a feeling that there is a necessity, an urge, for our government to fight terrorism in a more assertive way and a better way.  We have to make sure that terrorism is counterproductive.  That is the way to combat terrorism, to make it counterproductive.  Not, of course, against innocent populations but against the perpetrators.  The perpetrators should be apprehended, should be brought to justice, but not only the actual perpetrators of the specific act but also the human infrastructure that allows them to act."

There is a proposal that there should be a new settlement built in the West Bank in honour of the three murdered teenagers and Dani Dayan agrees and expresses the view that it needs to happen to make it clear that terrorism is counterproductive.

That is a remarkably stupid, ruthless and aggressive attitude.  Since he is a representative of a self named "Jewish" organisation would it be reasonable to suggest that he is representing a collective paranoid abreaction.  He is not speaking as an individual and conveying his personal opinion (which he is at liberty to do outside of his official role) but as a representative of a Jewish organisation.  Jews have traditionally been accused of collective paranoia (amongst other things) and it is well understood that judging people by some vague sense of perceived cultural traits is rarely useful in solving cultural problems.  To be blunt it is prejudicial - like racism, sexism or anti-Semitism.  Dani Dayan is blaming Hamas (prior to any evidence and in spite of their denial of any connection to the three murdered teenagers) and proposing an offensive land grab against other Palestinians (the "innocent population" that he claims shouldn't be acted against) to somehow "teach them a lesson".  It is so blatantly paradoxical it beggars belief.  It is also very hard line and oppressive.  It is precisely what right-wing organisations indulge in.  Given that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has said "Hamas is responsible and Hamas will pay" (again without evidence) and has consequentially launched more than 30 air strikes against the Gaza Strip, would this be the actions of a far right-wing aggressive and violent state?

It seems, on all accounts, that this response by Israel is what would have been expected by most observers of the situation.  This response is not what the Palestinians want and is clearly exactly what the Israelis want.  Given the general state of politics in the Middle East this event is looking more like a false flag than anything else at the moment.

So I would like to know if Mossad killed the three teenagers to justify this new and aggressive assault on Gaza and to engender popular support for more "land grab" from the Palestinians.  The more I learn about the workings of world leaders and politicians in general the more sceptical I become.

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