Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Three Phone Calls

Today, Tuesday 17 January 2012, I have had a day slightly more interesting than most.  The key feature being three telephone calls.  That is how interesting my life is!

Getting tired between three phone calls!

The first call was from an Indian scamster.  (That's Scamster not Hampster.)  These calls are getting more and more frequent and are funny except they probably cause a lot of harm too.  The second was from a friend of a friend who seems to need telephone support at the moment.  The third and last was from a practice nurse with a hidden agenda.  All three calls left me feeling like the proverbial cat that had been at the cream.  No - more like a lion that had gorged on a fat, freshly killed wildebeest (or was it a gnu?).

Here are the three calls:

1. The Indian enevtvwr phone scam.
2. The  feigned sympathy call.
3. The practice nurse with an agenda.

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