Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Rob Delaney's short video

I found a Tweet from Bob Gill @drbobgill
"Great video on urgent new threat to NHS, and what you can do, introduced by the brilliant

It contains some useful bullet points in a video regarding the restructuring of the NHS.
This is the Tweet url:

This is a transcript from the video:

Hi, I'm Rob Delaney [@robdelaney] and I love the NHS.  But it's being privatised by the Tories.  They're breaking it up into businesses so that private companies can run the profitable bits.  And it is all being done by stealth and without a public mandate.  So please watch this video and learn what you can do to help.
- The Tories are turning the NHS into a US-style private health insurance system.
- The latest step in the NHS privatisation plan is to get GPs to sign up to new Primary Care Networks.
- BUT these are the building blocks of new bodies called Integrated Care Providers (ICPs)...
- Which are the foundation of the American private health insurance system.
- GPs are being pressured to sign up before 15th May without debate or a vote.  They're being told that:
- 1. ICPs will integrate health and social care to create one better, joined up service.
- 2. Signing up means more money for GP practices.
- 3. GPs are free not to sign.
- But they're being tricked.  Signing up to these contracts will actually mean:
- 1. Under-qualified staff will be able to examine, diagnose and even treat patients.
- 2. Financial incentives will reward GPs for denying care to patients - fundementally corrupting the doctor-patient relationship.
- 3. Health and social care budgets will be integrated to allow corporate-run ICPs to get their hands on a bigger pot of our money.
- 4. Control of patient care and budgets will be removed from the doctors and given to managers.
- There's a lot of pressure to sign these contracts.  But together we can resist it.
- If you're a GP, DON'T sign the new contract!  And tell your colleagues NOT to sign.
- If you're a patient, tell your GP NOT to sign!  AND DO SO BEFORE 15th MAY!
- For an in-depth explanation, watch this 10 minute video:
- For the full story of NHS privatisation, watch 'SELL OFF: THE ABOLITION OF YOUR NHS'
- Please share to protect the NHS.